Ego of AP | Morgane Michael | Mastery of Targets

Tom SchimmerThe Tom Schimmer Podcast

In Don’t @ Me (2:25), Tom takes aim at any adult associated with AP courses, including parents, by highlighting why adult ego is driving students to overload their academic schedules with AP courses thereby creating an unsustainable and unhealthy school experience. Then, Tom is joined by author and friend Morgane Michael (15:50) to discuss her latest book, “From Burnt Out … Read More

5 Game Changers in Education

Steven WeberBlog, Differentiate Better, Engage Better, Lead Better, Lesson Plan Better

TL;DR: Each day, when we enter schools, we have the opportunity to create a game-changing moment for students. 5 game changers in education include formative assessments, learning targets, personalized learning, writing, and student-led questions. When school staff focus on these five game changers, they will begin to see self-directed learners, contributors, and problem solvers. Have you ever witnessed a game-changing … Read More