Mastering Teaching Essentials for Sustainable Growth

Rae HughartBlog, Lead Better, Lesson Plan Better, Manage Better, Reflect Better

TL;DR: Addressing the challenges faced by educators in a complex landscape. Mastery learning essentials, including feedback proficiency, progress monitoring, and goal setting, support teacher efficiency and student success. Simple principles help teachers and students thrive, preventing teacher burnout. Let’s embark on a journey of empowerment, exploring essential mastery learning elements that not only bolster teacher efficiency but also foster student … Read More

Show 131, Summer PD Series 6: The Science of Goal Setting

Ken EhrmannpowerED Up Podcast

We brought Dr. Don Berg back to the podcast to focus solely on goal setting.  It is crucial personal practice for us to implement to grow as professionals. There are specific strategies and science behind how our brain works to hack successful goal setting. We dive deep into the conversation and focus on how to support students with the goal-setting … Read More

Overwhelmed to Organized: Time Management

Katie MiglinBlog, Lead Better, Manage Better, Reflect Better, Self Care Better, Teach Happier

TL;DR: How to move from feelings of overwhelm to being organized? Create a system of productivity that works for you. Time management strategies include categorizing your list, blocking off time, and setting goals. Overwhelmed to Organized: Time Management Alarm goes off. I roll out of bed and hit the ground running. Work out, get kids and myself ready, pack lunches, … Read More

Kids Do Better When They Set Goals

Bobbie FrenchBlog, Engage Better, Reflect Better, Teach Happier

TL;DR: It’s important to support students in setting their goals. Choose one word or use a vision board to set goals. Develop an interest map and help students understand the steps toward meeting their goals. Help students learn to adjust and reflect. As we put up a new calendar and reflect on what the blank page that 2023 will be, … Read More