10/31/19 – Happy Halloween! What’s Culture Got To Do With It? – Marisol Rerucha (@mreruchie)

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#Mastery Chat Questions for Thursday, October 31st, 2019

Topic: Happy Halloween! What’s Culture Got To Do With It

Moderator: Marisol Rerucha (@mreruchie) with help from Carolyn Gery (@gery_carolyn) and Ingrid Twyman (@ingrid_twyman)


(8:00 ET) Intro/Welcome: Welcome to #Masterychat! Introduce yourself, let us know where you’re from, and share a tradition you associate with this time of year. 

(8:05 ET) Q1 By sharing traditions, you’re sharing a part of your culture. Culture, according to Zarretta Hammond, is, “…the way that every brain makes sense of the world.” How do you engage students in sharing their culture during this time of year? #MasteryChat

(8:10 ET) Q2  Please review the Culture Tree from chapter 2 of Zaretta Hammonds, “Culturally Responsive Teaching & The BRAIN.” Are educators aware of surface, shallow and/or deep culture? How do you know? #MasteryChat


(8:20 ET) Q3 Surface culture is, “…made up of observable and concrete elements of culture such as food, dress, music and holidays.” What are the benefits and challenges of bringing students surface culture into the classroom and school? #MasteryChat

(8:30 ET) Q4 Shallow culture is, ”…made up of unspoken roles around everyday social interactions and norms…” What are the benefits and challenges of bringing students shallow culture into the classroom and school? #MasteryChat

(8:40 ET) Q5 What are some best practices of how you bring surface and shallow culture into your classroom and/or school community? #MasteryChat

(8:45 ET) Q6 Deep culture is, “…made up of tacit knowledge and unconscious assumptions that govern our worldview.” This level includes guides, ethics, spirituality, health, theories of group harmony, how we learn new information. #MasteryChat

(8:50 ET) Q7 Mentally map the elements of deep culture to your (classroom, school, organizational) culture. How do you develop/foster a shared notion of fairness, decision making, or other element of deep culture? #MasteryChat

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