How To Get Your Students To Love Reading Pt.2

Eva Mireles3rd grade teacher, 4th grade teacher, 5th grade teacher, Blog, The Reading Teacher's Playbook Podcast, Upper Elementary

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I share part two of a two part series about how a love of reading is cultivated in a classroom. Part two of this series is all about how a love of reading is taught.
I talk about:
-What to teach your students to do first
-Teaching students how to think about their reading
-Giving students a chance to practice
-Building a reading community
-Encouraging students to read widely
-Teaching students how to make reading a priority
Most teachers know the value of students having time to read at home, yet we have zero control over what students do when they are outside of our classrooms.
-There is value in meaningful reading activities, but if you have to choose between reading activities and actual reading I would encourage you to choose giving students time with text.
-Teach students how to think about their reading. We are so used to operating on autopilot and not really paying attention to the moment. Our students are no different.
Links to resources mentioned in the podcast:
Book a discovery call for one on one coaching or school PD
Next Steps: If this episode resonated with you, take a screenshot of the episode and tag me on instagram @msevamireles.
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